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1st National Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (NCEEE 2016) November 14 - 15, 2016, Bouira, Algeria


June 25, 2016: Submissions website is now open!

June 20, 2016: NCEEE 2016 website online.

Call For Papers

The 1st National Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (NCEEE’16) will be held during November 13-14, 2016 in the University of Bouira, Algeria. The 1st NCEEE’16 is sponsored by the university of Bouira, PM3E laboratory, and M2D laboratory. It provides an international forum for researchers, academics and professionals to exchange experiences, ideas and challenges.

The fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering require new breakthroughs to adapt to the ever-changing requirements of society, especially with respect to science. Technology is on the verge of revolutions in memory devices and systems, networks, electronic device production, machine learning, data analytics, techniques to improve power and energy efficiency, and many more areas. New application domains that affect everyday life are constantly emerging. Boundaries between the state-of-the-art and revolutionary innovation constitute the Electrical and Electronics Engineering domains that must be pushed forward to advance science, engineering, and information technology.

Topics of Interest

We seek contributions that push the envelope in a wide range of topics, from more traditional research in architecture and systems to new technologies and devices. We are interested in emerging fields that may not fit within traditional categories:

Renewable Energy 
Telecommunications and Signal Processing 
Electrical Machines and Power Systems 
Identification and Control Systems 
NCEEE 2016 also encourages Poster Submissions on “Electrical and Electronics Engineering” topics.


Submission site:

Authors are invited to submit full papers or poster abstracts to the main conference. Papers must be submitted in English or French through the conference paper submission site. Authors will declare in advance to which category they are submitting through the submission site.

Full papers are allowed up to six (06) double-column pages in standard IEEE conference format (MS Word or Latex templates). Poster abstracts should be at least two (2) pages and not exceed four (4) pages in the same format. These limits include figures, tables, and references. Our review process is double-blind. Authors of interesting work not mature enough for an oral presentation may be offered the option of presenting their work as posters.

Full papers and posters will be published in the acts of the conference proceedings.

SOURCE: site de l'U de bouira

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