ISyMC '2018 — International Symposium on Materials Chemistry 19 mar 2018 - 20 mar 2018 • Boumerdes, Algérie
The success of the first edition of 2016 prompted the organizers to renew the proposed format. Thus, for two days, 4 topics will be at the rendezvous to identify and develop the different scientific disciplines concerned by the chemistry of materials for sustainable development.
Today, with the emergence of research centers and laboratories, it is imperative to find solutions to the problems posed and to project them for the years to come, and to continue the ongoing research efforts towards new ones surveys. .
Several actors from different universities around the world are invited to participat in this event.the research areas of and application are very important:
• Materials (advanced, functional, intelligent, composites, nanomaterials and nanocomposites, green composites, etc.)
• Structures (solids mechanics, applied mechanics, mechanics, plasticity dynamics, fatigue and fracture, structural mechanics, acoustics and vibrations, etc.)
Non-destructive testing (conventional testing, non-destructive testing, optical engineering, complete field measurement, microstructure characterization techniques, etc.)
• Processing (influence of processes on materials, layer composition, coatings and surface engineering, surface treatment on manufacturing and structural applications, assembly, recycling, etc.)
The organizing committee also encourages companies and institutions to present their products, equipment and services in the field of materials.
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